On Mar. 1st, 2022, FIVE large Long Engineering trucks used to do
survey work to help delineate destruction in the South Atlanta Forest
were destroyed in solidarity with eco-defenders currently protecting the
forest from being clear-cut to build cop city and more Hollywood
infrastructure for Black Hall Studios.
There will be NO peace for any subcontractors involved with the
planning or destruction of the south Atlanta Forest until ALL contracts
with the Atlanta Police Foundation & Black Hall Studios have been
withdrawn, & the Forest is safe from any and ALL destruction. We do NOT
differentiate “pre-construction ” & “construction “…
It is EASY to approach vehicles and machinery sitting like ducks in
subcontractor parking lots and simply pour gallons of bleach into their
gas tanks and render any and all of their equipment used to subjugate
the land completely dead and inoperable!
This is a CALL-TO-ACTION for more eco-warriors to replicate these
actions in the name of Defending the Forest and ALL creatures wild and
Save the South Atlanta Forest! Destroy all of the machines! Tear up
all of the roads! There is no “perfect moment” to act on the horizon,
the time is ripe!
Fuck your ego and use the cover of darkness to go out and get shit
done, for we need more faceless saboteurs to help bankrupt all of these
companies from being able to function.
It only costs $1.00 for a gallon of bleach and it costs them
$50,000.00 (or more!) Per vehicle…
Bite the Hands of Greed,
-The Wolvez-
– Received Anonymously Over Email