On November 4th, APF had its annual fundraiser, “A Night in Blue”. It’s a big fancy party where the richest and most corrosive people in Atlanta wear their fine pressed suits, expensive dresses, and raise significant funds for the fascist hellscape we live in.
We’re not rich enough to have been invited, so we decided to have a little party of our own.
We visited the home of Wendy Stewart, member of the Buckhead Coalition. The Buckhead Coaltion are dear friends of the APF, APD, ATL City Council, and Mayor Dickens – they give these crooks lots of money and tell lots of lies for them. In exchange, these entities work real hard to protect the white elites of Buckhead and their precious little neighborhoods.
If APF, the mayor, APD, and City Council don’t hold up their end of the deal, Buckhead Coalition throws a tantrum and threatens to secede from the City of Atlanta.
Wendy also works for Bank of America, which willingly donates to the APF, the Mountain Valley Pipeline project and Israeli terrorism, among other horrors.
We showed up in our best party clothes, sauntered across Wendy’s dull, “perfectly” manicured lawn, and decorated her home and car with fun messages encouraging her to drop ties with the APF and other murderous projects.
We hope Wendy’s Night in Blue was as fun as ours was!!!!!
Stop Cop City! Doom to the Pipeline! Free Palestine!
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