These edits were made by admirers of the original text and are overjoyed by the intentions of the original authors
These edits remove pages and text that involves hunting and trapping
It does not remove suggestions of shooting animals in “self-defense”, or edited other areas where we may have of liked, but we wanted to maintain the integrity of the text as much as possible
Yes, killing animals is murder.
No, it is not “more ethical” because you do it yourself
No, it is not “respectful” to hang an animal by their neck from a tree lined up next to the other victims, nor by bullet, nor by putting a hook in them and suffocating them in air
Yes, we are animals . Animals with the capability of agency, control, stewardship, careful relationships, observation, reflection, responsibility, and insight among many other traits that allow us to choose to live varying lives in different relationships to the earth we live in. We can choose to have relationships built in more care and reflection, and ones that are anti-speciest and that respond critically to oppression and authoritarianism. These choices can create differences such as humans choosing to be ultranationalist fascists enacting genocides in the name of resource extraction and control, and choosing to be warriors in relationship with the earth and all the living beings on it walking a path of anarchism. It’s not a dichotomy, and I’m not calling you hunters fascists. I’m saying that it’s a choice to engage or to not engage critically with the wholesale slaughter, genocides, extinction, terror, control, pain, and misery caused on non-human animal’s live’s in servance of human’s.
respect non-human animals
respect vegans
Submitted Anonymously Over Email